Your donation provides resources to help people, including pastors and ministry leaders, live and lead out of a vibrant life with God.

Help us continue to serve the Bay Area and launch our Southern California cohort this fall.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing..”

– John 15:5

How You Can Help Support the Ministry of WellSpring

For 26 years WellSpring has been providing resources to nurture and sustain a vibrant life with God through retreats, classes, formation groups, downloadable retreat guides, podcasts, and spiritual direction.

Our SoulCARE ministry helps pastors, and leaders of nonprofits care for the needs of their souls. Leaders thrive when they experience authentic, connected life with God. Healthy leaders cultivate healthy churches and ministries that bless their communities. In the fall of 2024, we are launching an additional SoulCARE cohort in Southern California.

Your generosity makes an impact.


Scholarships a participant in a retreat or class.

A contribution of $100 scholarships a participant in an Advent or Lenten retreat.


Provides a scholarship for a spiritual formation small group.

A contribution of $250 will support a leader’s yearlong participation in a group of peers who are seeking to grow in their relationship with God.


Sponsor a year of spiritual direction for a leader.

A contribution of $500 will allow a pastor to participate in a retreat that promotes their spiritual renewal.


Underwrites a year of our new program, Soul LEADING, for a pastor.

$1000 provides a year of training for a pastor that will help them proactively promote spiritual formation into their congregation.


Scholarships a pastor or nonprofit leader through a year of SoulCARE.

A contribution of $6000 pays for one leader to participate in a year of SoulCARE. You will benefit this leader and the ministry they serve.

To give by check, please direct gifts to: WellSpring, P.O. Box 7384, Menlo Park, CA 94026

To donate stock or wire funds please click on the appropriate button below for instructions. If you have any questions, please call us at (650) 328-8966 or email us at

WellSpring is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. All donations are tax deductible.

Tax ID #: 94-3210971


Questions? Contact us at (650) 328-8966 or email us at for assistance.

How to Grow with WellSpring

We have several types of retreats, classes and resources available.

"I will make rivers flow on barren heights, and springs within the valleys.
I will turn the desert into pools of water and the parched ground into springs."
- Isaiah 41:18