Pastors and ministry leaders who complete SoulCARE become part of our alumni community coming together for support and to extend their formational experiences into their ministry communities.

We offer small groups experiences, refresher retreats, individual spiritual direction, and a podcast all designed to help our alumni sustain rhythms and spiritual practices that nurture life with God and transform their communities.

Regional Small Groups

We offer two kinds of regional small groups led by the SoulCARE team and trained Alums that support our ongoing journey and conversation with God.

SoulCARE Next

In these groups, we revisit SoulCARE core concepts, integrate SoulCARE rhythms into our current life reality, and engage spiritual practices between retreats to deepen our conversation with God.

(Retreats meeting September – April include teaching, time for individual prayer and reflection, sharing with one another, and a meal together.)

For more information or to register mid-year, please email

SoulCARE Communities

In these groups, we explore spiritual practices together, reflect on themes from SoulCARE, and engage with one another in a form of group spiritual direction.

(Retreats meeting September – April include formational themes, time for individual prayer and reflection, sharing with one another, and a meal together.)

For more information or to register mid-year, please email

Alumni Intensive

In this 3-month group experience, we will dive into a theme connected to our life with God and our ministry contexts. We’ll have some content to consider before each meeting, as well as material to engage-in during our time together. Between group meetings, each participant will have a one-on-one direction session around the intensive’s theme of Discernment: Discovering God’s Leading in our Lives and Ministry.

Keep an eye out for Richard’s email sending the registration link to all SoulCARE Alumni. Space is limited, so please be sure to register soon.


Seasonal Retreats

Lenten Retreats:
March 26 (Menlo Church- Peninsula)  &  March 27 (CrossWinds Church- East Bay)


Alumni Experiences

Be on the lookout for dates and locations for Alumni Experiences, such as:
Camino de Sonoma and Bay Area Camino Day, Lighthouse Mini-Retreat, Cathedral Mini-Retreat, & Museum Visio Divina.

Spiritual Direction

Connect with a SoulCARE team leader trained in the art of “holy listening” who prayerfully comes alongside you as you discover more of God’s presence in your life.

To check on availability, email us directly or contact WellSpring.

WellSpring SoulCARE Podcast

Join us for thoughtful conversations about the inner life and the care of souls – ours and others.

"I will make rivers flow on barren heights, and springs within the valleys.
I will turn the desert into pools of water and the parched ground into springs."
- Isaiah 41:18