Pastors and ministry leaders who complete SoulCARE become part of our alumni community coming together for support and to extend their formational experiences into their ministry communities.
We offer small groups experiences, refresher retreats, individual spiritual direction, and a podcast all designed to help our alumni sustain rhythms and spiritual practices that nurture life with God and transform their communities.
Free Downloads
As an alumni of SoulCARE, we would like to offer you additional free resources so you can continue to grow with God.
Prayer of Examen
Contemplative Prayer
The Practice of Celebration
The Practice of Slowing
Visio Divina
Lectio Divina
Immanuel Journaling
Spiritual Direction
Connect with a SoulCARE team leader trained in the art of “holy listening” who prayerfully comes alongside you as you discover more of God’s presence in your life.
To check on availability, email us directly or contact WellSpring.
WellSpring SoulCARE Podcast
Join us for thoughtful conversations about the inner life and the care of souls – ours and others.
"I will make rivers flow on barren heights, and springs within the valleys.
I will turn the desert into pools of water and the parched ground into springs."
- Isaiah 41:18