SoulCARE Next

Register for SoulCARE Next - Wednesday, Menlo Park

What SoulCARE Alums Have to Say…

“Rather than assuming I was getting appropriate care for my soul to match the demand of my calling, SoulCARE took the initiative to shepherd me primarily by providing space and giving me new tools to interact with the Lord. I came out of the yearlong cohort understanding more fully God’s love for me. I still refer back to my manual and journals and revel in the communion I experienced with God. Given the unbelievable attrition rate for those in ministry, I can’t think of a better investment for people to make. At PCC, we have committed that all senior staff participate in SoulCARE.”

– Gary Gaddini, Lead Pastor, Peninsula Covenant Church

“I have heard an invitation to draw near to God, to enter deeper into the mystery of his presence, to delight in the love and joy of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and to do this in a rhythmic, regular, structured way—daily, weekly, monthly. I have received content, language, imagery, and paradigms to sustain the with-God life, and none of that would have been as meaningful apart from the embodied and communal experience of feasting together and seeing it modeled in the SoulCARE Team.”

Jonathan St. Clair, Lead Pastor, Christ Church, East Bay

“SoulCARE has given me language for how to respond to God’s stirring in me. It’s put my attention to my inner life as oppose to my “public” life. Its raised my awareness and my ability to notice and sit in what God is stirring….I feel like SoulCARE has been the single most influential thing I’ve done in my spiritual/ministry life in 20 years.”

Andrea Coli, Author and Teacher, CrossWinds Church in Livermore

“The impact has been immense. I have rediscovered a life with healthy rhythms of prayer, solitude and rest. This has been a life changing process. Words can scarcely express the ongoing positive impact on my life with God. Sometime through the process it was like my soul slowly woke up and began to dialogue with God throughout the day, and my sense of God’s presence has grown tremendously.”

Nate Milheim, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Oakland Leadership Center

“This was an absolutely amazing experience! I’ve become more aware of God’s presence, love, grace and freedom. I’m listening and asking questions more. I’m paying more attention to how God is already working in people and communities.”

Efrem Smith, Co-Lead Pastor, Bayside Church of Midtown, Sacramento

“There is nothing else like this for senior leaders. No one else is loving, shaping, leading leaders. It is desperately needed and appreciated so, so much!”

– Mike Brock, Chief Strategy Officer, Transforming the Bay with Christ

“First it refreshed my relationship with Jesus. Second it gave me very useful practices to use in my daily life to stay connected to Jesus. Third it has made me much more aware of God’s work and presence in my life. Fourth it helped me realize that true spiritual service is rooted in God’s power above all other things.”

– Paul Schult, Redeemer Lutheran Church

“It dramatically helped me move from a largely cognitive relationship with God to a more experiential relationship with God. I now FEEL him as my Papa who loves me and delights in me as his son REGARDLESS of what I am doing or not doing. Honestly it feels like a conversion.”

– Mark Case, Navigators

Questions? Contact us to learn more about SoulCARE.

"I will make rivers flow on barren heights, and springs within the valleys.
I will turn the desert into pools of water and the parched ground into springs."
- Isaiah 41:18